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Forum Index » Javascript » [REQ] Refreshing a DIV with AJ
Posted on Sunday 10th February 2008 at 04:28 PM
templates/default/images/noavatar.png's Avatar
I have seen things like shoutbox's and stuff that refresh using iframes ect.

But, I would like something like a div reloads so the user doesn't know its reloading in the background, it would be alot better than making an iframe do it, as I think alot of people hate that.

Cheers for any help given about the issue. :)
Posted on Thursday 26th June 2008 at 12:18 PM
templates/default/images/noavatar.png's Avatar
Junior Member
Yup its possible look at my ajax chat tutorial.
I use the javascript function...

setInterval("functiontorun()", 2000);

so it'll run a certain function (u can do a ajax function) every 2 seconds i think the above one does.
The second parameter is basically how often u want the first parameter to run. soooo i have it set to 2 seconds which means functiontorun() will run on the page every 2 seconds.