Adobe Dreamweaver 0
Adobe Muse 0 0
.htaccess 6
Perl 0
PHP 57
PHP - User System 79
Java 0
Javascript 13
Ruby on Rails 0
General Web Development 4
Operating Systems
Video & Audio Editing
Adobe After Effect 0
Adobe Audition 0
Adobe Premiere 0
Final Cut 0
FruityLoops 0
iMovie 0
Windows Movie Maker 0
App Development
($logged[userlevel] !==6) as opposed to (!$logged[userlevel] == 6)
Before posting scripts please make sure,
1) It goes with our user system
2) You have test it
3) It works
Tada, no more 's!
echo "You Are Not An Admin!"; //the person is not an admin
Yes, admin level is 6, but if you have your user on 6 then you'll show them the NOT A ADMIN page.
where ever you see:
replace with:
mail($r[email], $title, $message, $headers); //send mail to user
echo "<a href="history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>Email Sent!"; //success!
} //end while
Replace With:
mail($r[email], $title, $message, $headers); //send mail to user
} //end while
echo "<a href="history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>Email Sent!"; //success!
the second one find:
Replace With:
For the RMB usersystem level 6 is admin and thats what i have on there.
1. when you send the message I get this:
Thats 10 - I have 10 members, so if I have 1000 members, that will show up 1000 times :|.
2. When you do a space (enter) in the message I get:
<br />
KIDDING! This is a mass email, and I am trying it out!
The <br />'s. Thats not good.
3. The one above this comment.
Shouldn't the 6 be a 2 because 6 = admin and 2 = member.
I say this because after words you say that the user is NOT a admin, which they are if they're user level is 6. I never tried fixing it because I edited for my use.
Isn't this right?