* This script was made by MOD-Shadow of rmb-scripting.com
session_start(); //allow sessions.
$step = (int)$_GET['step']; //current step for INT Only.
if (!$step || empty($step) || $step == '1') { //check if $step is nul or the step is 1
print "<p>
Welcome to the User System Installation script tutorial x] To begin, Click the link below.
<a href=\"install.php?step=2\">Database Information</a>
</p>"; //simple welcome mesage with link to step 2
exit(); //go no further
} //end welcome
if ($step == '2') { //database setup x]
if (!$_POST['db_setup']) { //form wasn't submitted
print "<h2>Database Setup</h2>
<form method=\"post\" action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?step=2\">
<label>DB Host</label>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"host\" value=\"localhost\" size=\"15\" />
<label>DB Username</label>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" value=\"root\" size=\"15\" />
<label>DB Password</label>
<input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\" value=\"\" size=\"15\" />
<label>DB Name</label>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"\" size=\"15\" />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"db_setup\" value=\"Submit Details\" />
</form>"; //echo the form x]
exit(); //go no further
} else { //it was x]
$host = $_POST['host']; //the DB Host
$user = $_POST['user']; //DB User
$pass = $_POST['pass']; //DB Pass
$name = $_POST['name']; //DB Name
$errors = array(); //array for errors x]
if (empty($host)) { //if host is empty
$errors[] = "You Must Enter A Host."; //our error
} //end host check
if (empty($user)) { //user check
$errors[] = "You Must Enter A Username"; //:O Invalid username!
} //end user check
if (empty($pass)) { //check password.
$errors[] = "You Must Enter a Password"; //the error
} //end pass check
if (empty($name)) { //database name check
$errors[] = "You Must Enter a Database Name"; //You Fail. O_o
} //end db name check
if (count($errors) > 0) { //if theres more then 0 errors
print "<h2>Errors Found!</h2>
<p>"; //error header
foreach ($errors as $err) { //foreach error
print $err . ''; //print them out
} //end loop
print "</p>"; //end paragraph x]
exit(); //go no further
} else { //YAY No Errors
$connect = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); //test our information
if (!$connect) { //didnt work :(
$con_test = "<span style=\"color:red\">False</span>"; //our connect status
$cerror = true; //return a true for error
} else { //it worked!!!
$con_test = "<span style=\"color:green\">Green</span>"; //connect stats
$cerror = false; //returns false for error.
} //end error check
$dbtest = @mysql_select_db($name, $connect);
if (!$dbtest) { //didnt work :(
$db_test = "<span style=\"color:red\">False</span>"; //our db test status
$derror = true; //return a true for error
} else { //it worked!!!
$db_test = "<span style=\"color:green\">Green</span>"; //db test stats
$derror = false; //returns false for error.
} //end error check
print "<table>
<td width=\"150\">
<strong>Connection Stats</strong>
<td width=\"150\">
<td width=\"150\">
<strong>DB Stats</strong>
<td width=\"150\">
</table>"; //our stats in a nice table.
if ($cerror) { //if connect error
print "<h2>Connection Error</h2>
Connection failed. Please go back and check your details.
<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">Go Back</a>
</p>"; //lets tell them
exit(); //go no further
} //end connect error
if ($derror) { //dbtest error obviously going to be true if connect is true.
print "<h2>Database Error</h2>
Could not connect to database. Attempting to create.....
<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">Go Back</a>
</p>"; //tell them they made a boo boo
$create_db = @mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE `$name`");
if (!$create_db) {
print "<p>
Database Creation Failed.
exit(); //go no further
} //end db test error.
if (!$cerror && !$derror) { //No Error found!!!!!!!!!!
$conf_handle = fopen('config.php', 'w+');
$data = "<?php
session_start(); //allows session
\$connect = @mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass);
\$db = @mysql_select_db(\$db,\$connect);
\$logged = @mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `id` = '\$_SESSION[id]' AND `password` = '\$_SESSION[password]'\");
\$logged = @mysql_fetch_array(\$logged);
//some server details, don't edit!
\$host = \$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
\$self = \$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
//change this to your site name
\$sitename = \"My Site\";
//Send emails or not (email activation). 1 = true, 0 = false
\$semail = \"1\";
$write = @fwrite($conf_handle, $data);
if ($write) {
print "<h2>Success</h2>
Config File Created! To continue the installation please click the link below.
<span style=\"color:red\">NOTICE: PLEASE CHMOD CONFIG FILE TO 0644</span>
<a href=\"install.php?step=3\">Setup Tables</a>
exit(); //go no further.
} else {
print "<h2>Error</h2>
Config File Creation Failed. Please check and make sure your CHMOD Perms are 0777 before performing this step again.
<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">Go Back</a>
exit(); //go no further
} //end write check
} //end no error check
} //end error check
} //end form submit check
} //end step check
if ($step == '3') {
require("config.php"); //require newly found config.php x]
$create_members = mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `members` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
`password` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`email` varchar(55) NOT NULL default '',
`location` varchar(40) NOT NULL default 'N/A',
`userlevel` int(3) NOT NULL default '1',
`age` int(3) NOT NULL,
`sex` varchar(40) NOT NULL default 'N/A',
) TYPE=MyISAM;"); //create our members table...or...attempt to.....
$create_verification = mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `verification` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
`code` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
) TYPE = MYISAM;"); //attempt to create verification table
if(!$create_members){ //members check
$mem_stats = "<span style=\"color :red;\">False</span>"; //our stats
$merror = true; //OH NO
}else{ //no error
$mem_stats = "<span style=\"color:green;\">True</span>"; //GREEN!!!
$merror = false; //no error
} //end check
if(!$create_verification){ //error found
$pms_stats = "<span style=\"color:red;\">False</span>"; //red false
$verror = true; //true for error
}else{ //or not?
$pms_stats = "<span style=\"color:green;\">True</span>"; //its good to go
$verror = false; //no error
print "<table width=\"200\">
<td width=\"150\">
<td width=\"50\">
<td width=\"150\">
<td width=\"50\">
</table>"; //nice table x]
if($merror){ //error in members
print "<p>
members Table Creation Failed!
Please Use <a href=\"https://$host:2082/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php\">phpMyAdmin</a> To Create the table.
</p>"; //tell them and give link to Cpanel.
exit(); //go no further
} //end members error
if($verror){ //verification error
print "<p>
verification Table Creation Failed!
Please Use <a href=\"https://$host:2082/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php\">phpMyAdmin</a> To Create the table.
</p>"; //give link to cpanel and such
exit(); //go no further
} //end verification error
if(!$merror && !$verror){ //no errors
print "<h2>Success</h2>
Tables Created!
<a href=\"install.php?step=4\">Admin Setup</a>
</p>"; //success!!!!
exit(); //go no further
} //end step check
if ($step == '4') { //step 4 YAYZZ
require("config.php"); //get config
if(!$_POST['admin_setup']){ //form not submitted
print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?step=4\">
<label>Admin Username</label>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" size=\"15\" />
<label>Admin Password</label>
<input type=\"password=\" name=\"pass\" size=\"15\" />
<label>Admin Email</label>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"mail\" size=\"15\" />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"admin_setup\" value=\"Save Admin\" />
</form>"; //submit form.
}else{ //form submitted
$username = $_POST['user']; //our username
$password = sha1(md5(md5(sha1(md5(sha1(sha1(md5($_POST['pass'])))))))); //secure pass
$email = $_POST['mail']; //the admin email
if(empty($username) || empty($password) || empty($email)){ //check for empty field
print "<h2>Error</h2>
You Must Fill Out All Fields!
</p>"; //give error
exit(); //go no further
}else{ //no error
$insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `members` (`username`,`password`,`email`,`userlevel`) VALUES ('$username','$password','$email','6');"); //insert admin data.
if($insert){ //check if error
print "<h2>Success</h2>
Admin User Setup!
<a href=\"install.php?step=5\">Finish</a>
</p>"; //no error found
exit(); //go no further
}else{ //insert failed.
print "<h2>Error</h2>
Error Returned: ".mysql_error()."
</p>"; //you have an error!!!
exit(); //go no further.
} //no error.
}//end error check
} //end form check
} //end step check
if ($step == '5') { //FINAL STEP WOOHOO
print "<h2>Complete!</h2>
Setup Complete! Please delete this file and CHMOD config.php back to 0644 so hackers can not attack your website.
</p>"; //give finished message
chmod("config.php", '0644'); //chmod the config to 0644 if not done already.
unlink("install.php"); //delete install file.
} //end step check x]
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')' in /home/sites/sthelensclubberz.co.uk/public_html/config.php on line 5
any help would be brillant
$errors[] = "You Must Enter A Host."; //our error
} //end host check
if (empty($user)) { //user check
$errors[] = "You Must Enter A Username"; //:O Invalid username!
} //end user check
if (empty($pass)) { //check password.
$errors[] = "You Must Enter a Password"; //the error
} //end pass check
if (empty($name)) { //database name check
$errors[] = "You Must Enter a Database Name"; //You Fail. O_o
} //end db name check
i put my host in along with username and password and comes up with
Errors Found!
any help would be great
You should put up on the downloads so that people can download insteada copying n pasting :P
Best part of like a few script. thats why plus news one is better than the script itself :p