Basic PHP Hit Counter

In this tutorial we will create a basic hits counter.
This will store, read and increment a number stored in a .dat file on each hit.

  1. <?php
  2. $hitsFile = "counter.dat"; // File to store the hit count
  4. if (file_exists($hitsFile)) {
  5. // File exists, read the current hit count
  6. $fileHandle = fopen($hitsFile, "r+"); // Open file for both reading and writing
  7. if ($fileHandle) {
  8. $hitCount = (int)fgets($fileHandle); // Read the current hit count and cast to integer
  9. $hitCount++; // Increment the hit count
  11. rewind($fileHandle); // Move file pointer back to the start
  12. fputs($fileHandle, $hitCount); // Write the updated hit count
  13. fclose($fileHandle); // Close the file
  15. echo $hitCount; // Display the updated hit count
  16. } else {
  17. // Handle error opening file
  18. echo "Error: Unable to read the counter file.";
  19. }
  20. } else {
  21. // File doesn't exist, create it and initialise hit count to 1
  22. $fileHandle = fopen($hitsFile, "w");
  23. if ($fileHandle) {
  24. $hitCount = 1; // Initial hit count
  25. fputs($fileHandle, $hitCount); // Write the initial hit count
  26. fclose($fileHandle); // Close the file
  28. echo $hitCount; // Display the initial hit count
  29. } else {
  30. // Handle error creating file
  31. echo "Error: Unable to create the counter file.";
  32. }
  33. }
  34. ?>

Then include this script using a PHP include in the location where you wish the hits to be shown.

You must ensure the counter.dat file is writeable

DanielXP's Avatar
Posted on Saturday 10th May 2008 at 01:21 PM
Alexwhin's Avatar
Nice. Simple. Effective. I like it.