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Links; Part 4 Changing The Colour Of Your Links

Ever wanted to change the colour of your text links? It's easy! Here's an example of a text link:
<a href="">Rmb-Scripting</a>

And now here's an example of a text link all black:

<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000"><a href="">Rmb-Scripting</a></body>

As you can see, some things have changed, I have added some tags before the link and the closing tag after it. bgcolor, text, link, vlink, alink... That's kinda confusing eh? Let's explain:

Bgcolor = Background Color of your link
Text = The text colour of your link
Link = The colour of your link
vLink = The colour of your link once it is visited.

The rest is not important as you will not see it there.
You can change the colour of your text links by changing 0000000, that means colour for black and FFFFFF is for white.
All codes have 6 letters/numbers. Here's a colour chart with a colour and it's code:

TutorialNinja Image

And here's a colour chart for more colours:

TutorialNinja Image

If you wouldn't want a background color in your text, just take out bgcolor="#ANYCOLOURHERE" from the script.

If you have any problems, please reply or PM thanks!
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