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Creating 3D Effects in Adobe Photoshop 7.0

Step 1: Getting Started
Its simple to use and you can create some realistic three-dimensional effects for print or the web.

Create a new file in Photoshop
Set the background to Transparent and a size of 400 X 400 pixels.
Select 3D Transform filter: Filters > Render > 3D Transform
On the left side there are shapes, select the one that looks
like a box
Start creating boxes. Fill up the whole window with the boxes.
It should look something like the following image:

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Step 2: Rotating the Boxes
Select the Trackball Tool. This will allow you to rotate the boxes and get their 3D look.
Rotate the boxes until you get the shading effect which creates depth

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Step 3: Customizing the Boxes
Click the Options button
Set Resolution and Anti-Aliasing to High to eliminate any "jaggies".

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