Help Needed

Posted on Saturday 5th January 2008 at 03:47 PM
gbt91's Avatar
Hey Guys i have a problem with this code!!
function LoginStatus(Status)
if(Status == 1) alert("User not found.");
else if(Status == 2) alert("User not verified.");
else if(Status == 3) alert("Login in progress...");
else if(Status == 4) alert("Password doesnt match");

Can someone help me ..i want to reload the page when status==3..
any idea?
That's Just The Drill
Posted on Saturday 5th January 2008 at 04:51 PM
DanielXP's Avatar
function LoginStatus(Status) {
if(Status == 1) { alert("User not found."); }
else if(Status == 2) { alert("User not verified."); }
else if(Status == 3) { alert("Login in progress..."); location.reload(true); }
else if(Status == 4) { alert("Password doesnt match") };
Posted on Tuesday 8th January 2008 at 05:47 PM
gbt91's Avatar
nice Daniel...
anyway instead of location.reload
i put this
function LoginStatus(Status)
if(Status == 1) alert("Utente Non trovato.");
else if(Status == 2) alert("Utente Non Verificato.");
else if(Status == 4) alert("Password/Utente Non Corretto");
else if(Status == 3) window.location.reload(); alert("Login in corso...");
That's Just The Drill
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