[REQ] Not sure what to call it

Posted on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 at 01:20 PM
Adam981's Avatar
Is there a way to make something, so that a user can Write text to my website and have it displayed on a page. I'm not looking for a forum or news system but smething along them lines maybe? example of what im trying to say is....

Say user "bob" has a poem that he would like to share with everyone on a website, so he goes to a page called.. write poem, he writes his poem and submits it then he would like to view his poem that he wrote so he goes to View poem page and then clicks the title of his poem and then he can read his poem.

Well i explained it the best i can hope someone can help me:)
Posted on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 at 05:54 PM
DanielXP's Avatar
Sorta like our tutorial system?
Posted on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 at 07:22 PM
Adam981's Avatar
Hmm maybe never thought of it that way. but yeah something along them lines
Posted on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 at 07:43 PM
DanielXP's Avatar
- id
- title
- poem
- submitter

- Title
- Textarea for poem
- Submit button

- peom title (link)

- poem submitter
- poem

any thing im missing?
Posted on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 at 07:47 PM
Adam981's Avatar
looks good to me.
Posted on Friday 6th June 2008 at 06:55 AM
SkillMaster's Avatar
A blog pretty much but integrated for the usersystem.

Daniel's idea pretty much spot on.

Try editing codes from other tutorials to have a go.

Have a go first then we will try to help with your errors.
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