Help on pluss news

Posted on Thursday 12th June 2008 at 05:35 PM
VicVance's Avatar
Hey I need your help. I need help on to combine the RPB poll admin system with the RMB Pluss news system. This is the tutorail for poll, it does not work...

In option I want a link that would aloow me t open admin poll

However I want to change the Poll a bit, I want to change it so that guest can use it besides the users

One more thing I am having a trouble with affilates. RMB never made a affilate script, can someone plzz make one and tell me how to combine it in the RMB pluss news admin cp.

Thanks - Vic Vance
Posted on Monday 16th June 2008 at 08:26 AM
SkillMaster's Avatar
That needs to you integrate in, you might need a little bit of php experience.
Posted on Monday 16th June 2008 at 09:07 AM
VicVance's Avatar
its ok I got help.
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