[REQ] VIP system

Posted on Saturday 15th November 2008 at 04:40 PM
Ronay's Avatar
I Request a VIP System some works with the usersystem tutorial (made by DanielXP).
It cut be nice if it works with Credit card :P
Comment please.
Posted on Sunday 16th November 2008 at 07:59 PM
DanielXP's Avatar
Use paypal :D
Posted on Tuesday 18th November 2008 at 03:40 PM
Ronay's Avatar
Yea, but stell :D
Posted on Sunday 8th February 2009 at 12:36 AM
Adam981's Avatar
VIP system would be the userlevel tutorial , and then erm use a thing to UPDATE userlevel to whichever level your VIP is set to, then just have the "page" or "options" or whatever the VIP system will hold. to only be shown if the userlevel is set to "vip"
Posted on Monday 2nd March 2009 at 02:46 PM
jambomb's Avatar
lol wtf ?
Posted on Monday 2nd March 2009 at 05:33 PM
ShadowMage's Avatar
Use PayPal IPN and your user system. use PHP with the PayPal IPN for when the payment goes through/is payed have it update the user's level to say.... 4 or what ever you want the VIP level to be. Then each month/year/week or what ever your methods are have a CRON tab run on a certain day at say midnight to reset the users level back to normal (level 2)

Heh...never though about it.. but I might do this some time and post a tutorial :/
failure i sense
Posted on Tuesday 17th March 2009 at 12:08 AM
afroxav's Avatar
I am currently working on a new version of that tutorial (well the code part). I re indented it, and separated the logic (getting the use info) and the display (displaying the info). I currently have 2 1/2 files left to modify. It will then be way easier to modify the current code, or to add features. I will post a link when I'm finished.
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