What have you coded?

Posted on Monday 11th August 2008 at 05:14 AM
UrbanTwitch's Avatar
List all the things you can coded YOURSELF or with some help for the RMB Usersystem

Me, well I gained TONS of experience in July/August so.. I made:

Forgot pass script
Badge System
-- edit, create, delete badges
-- view other people's badges
-- view who has witch badge
Bug Report
Saved PMs
Sent PMs
User Settings
-- design your profile
-- select who can view your profile, pm you, or look at your friendlist.
Pet Hiscore
User Message Link (msgto=1)
Warn Levels (if warnlvl reaches 10 == banned!)

So yeah, thats all I made with some help that I started compeletely by me.

I think I should call this "2008 - The Summer of RMB Coding"
Posted on Tuesday 12th August 2008 at 10:17 AM
ilyas-shezad's Avatar
Okay im not going to list all the features that ive made but ill list the sites :p

Text based Game:
Raging Mortals
Has a Paypal IPN system
Chat feature (ajax)
Lots of game features
Forums etc etc

Another text based game:
{dead link}
Well similar to Raging mortals but much less features.
More interactive though. And im planning to add alot more images to it.

Well... I guess thats all really. I learnt alot from making those two games.
Making tutorials for flash, php and javascript
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