MessageBox in C++

A MessageBox is a simple dialog box that displays a message to the user. It's commonly used in Windows applications for alerts, notifications, or confirmations.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a MessageBox in C++ using the Windows API.

Before you begin, ensure you have a C++ compiler that supports Windows API. In this example, we use Dev-C++, but other compilers like Visual Studio will work as well.

This is a simple code on how to show a MessageBox on a Windows platform.

Now you know what an alert is i will show you how to make one in C++. You will need a compiler, i used Dev-C++ for this so i recommend that.

C++ Code
  1. #include <windows.h> /* Includes the MessageBox function */
  3. int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
  4. HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
  5. LPSTR lpCmdLine,
  6. int nCmdShow)
  7. /* Entry point for the application */
  8. {
  9. MessageBox(NULL, "This is the messagebox text!", "Title of the MessageBox", NULL);
  10. /*
  11.   Parameters:
  12.   - NULL: Handle to the owner window (set to NULL for no parent window).
  13.   - "This is the messagebox text!": The message displayed in the box.
  14.   - "Title of the MessageBox": The title displayed on the messagebox window.
  15.   - NULL: Specifies the style of the message box (e.g., OK, Cancel buttons).
  16.   */
  17. return 0; /* Indicates successful execution */
  18. }

Key Points

  • Including windows.h: The <windows.h> header provides access to the Windows API, including the MessageBox function.
  • WinMain Function: This is the entry point for Windows applications, similar to main() in console applications.
  • MessageBox Parameters: Customise the message, title, and buttons by editing the parameters.
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