Creating Paterns

Ok, to make your own patterns in photoshop, such as scan lines, follow these 3 easy steps.

1. Create a new document, about 3x3 pixels, and make sure it's transparent.
2. Take the color you want, and the pencil tool and make a design you want.
3. Now go to Edit > Define Pattern, and name your file whatever.

To use his pattern, go to your paintbucket, and on the toolbar at the top, change Forground to Pattern. Now select your pattern and your good to go!

Hope this helped out some beginers to Photoshop.
Joey's Avatar
Posted on Wednesday 16th January 2008 at 11:42 PM
Thug's Avatar
Ohh lol, i'm sorry i was looking in 2 different categories, PHP and Photoshop and got them mixed up... sorry for confusing anyone!
Posted on Wednesday 16th January 2008 at 07:15 PM
DanielXP's Avatar
How is this spose to be PHP, its photoshop :S
Posted on Wednesday 16th January 2008 at 02:23 AM
Thug's Avatar
This is supossed to be a PHP lol... wrong category bro