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Run Linux Apps on Windows

In this tutorial you will be learning how to run Linux applications on Windows. You will need about 40 minutes of spare time and a DSL or Cable connection. If you use dial-up you may spend over a week just trying to get the files that you need.

Ok, we will be downloading and installing a program called andLinux. This will allow you the run Linux applications on Windows. Now, click the Downloads link and download the KDE version of andLinux. You can find all the links at the bottom of this tutorial.

After you've downloaded the program it's time to install it. When the install screen loads Click Next, click Next again, choose an install path then click Next, now for this part keep it at 256MB and click Next. Enable sound for andLinux, click Next. You might want to set andLinux to start when windows starts, so go ahead and set it to start with windows. This is the tricky part, and is confusing. Set it to use Samba. Click next. At this point it should be asking you for a share folder. Make a new folder in your main drive called LinuxShare, after you done then type that folder name in the first text box on the andLinux install screen, click Next, click Next again. Then click Next once more. Then click install. It should start installing, it will require you to restart your computer at the end of the install.

You may want to watch the video tutorial if you found this confusing. You can also find the link to that at the end of this tutorial.

andLinux's Website:
KDE Download:
Video Tutorial (by
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