Make A Popup Window

Ok, so this simple tutorial is going to show you how to make a javascript popup window.

To start off lets start our code:

JavaScript Code
  1. <script language="JavaScript">

This tells the browser what type of code it is

JavaScript Code
  1. function popUp(URL) {

This defines our function

JavaScript Code
  1. eval("page" + id + " =, '" + id + "', '

This evaluates the code and prepares the window to open.

JavaScript Code
  1. toolbar=1,

This decides if you want the toolbar to show in your popup window, 1 for yes 0 for no.

JavaScript Code
  1. scrollbars=1,

Do you want scroll bars? 1 for yes, 0 for no

JavaScript Code
  1. location=1,

Do you want to show the location (address bar)? 1 for yes, 0 for no

JavaScript Code
  1. statusbar=1,

Do you want to show the status bar? 1 for yes, 0 for no

JavaScript Code
  1. menubar=1,

Show the menu bar? 1 for yes, 0 for no

JavaScript Code
  1. resizable=1,

Make it resizeable? 1 for yes, 0 for no

JavaScript Code
  1. width=500,

Width of the window in pixels

JavaScript Code
  1. height=500,

Height of window in pixels

JavaScript Code
  1. left = 390,

Amount of pixels from the left hand side

JavaScript Code
  1. top = 150');");

Amount of pixels from the top, also closes our function

JavaScript Code
  1. }
  2. </script>

This ends our code.

So our final code is:
JavaScript Code
  1. <script language="JavaScript">
  3. function popUp(URL) {
  4. eval("page" + id + " =, '" + id + "', '
  5. toolbar=1,
  6. scrollbars=1,
  7. location=1,
  8. statusbar=1,
  9. menubar=1,
  10. resizable=1,
  11. width=500,
  12. height=500,
  13. left = 390,
  14. top = 150');");
  15. }
  16. </script>

This code goes into the <head> section of your webpage.

There are two ways of opening your window, either by a text link or by a form button. Make sure this code goes into the <body> section of your website.

To open it via a form button use this code:
JavaScript Code
  1. <form>
  2. <input type=button value="Open Popup" onClick="javascript:popUp('page.html')">
  3. </form>

Make sure you edit page.html with the url of the page you want to opne in your popup window.

To open your popup window by a text link use this code:

JavaScript Code
  1. <a href="javascript:popUp('page.html')">Open Popup[</a>

Again make sure you edit page.html

Well thats our tutorial, hopfully now you will be able to make your own pop up windows.
Oliver's Avatar
Posted on Sunday 2nd September 2007 at 01:03 PM
Dalez's Avatar
Nice tut ;> I'll be using this in the future.
Posted on Saturday 1st September 2007 at 12:35 AM
vb_king's Avatar
I kinda already posted a tutorial similar to this...