[Forum]User Titles

Well it's very simple but, I'm just starting to learn and I thought I'd just share it anyways lol.

Run this in your phpMyAdmin:
PHP Code
  1. ALTER TABLE `members`
  2. ADD `title` varchar(225) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Member';

Next open your forum.php and find:
PHP Code
  1. <tr>
  2. <td id='mains' align='center' width='120' rowspan='2'><a href=javascript:void(window.open('members.php?user=$thread[poster]','client','status=1,width=400,height=250,top=60,left=60'))>$thread[poster]</a><br>

Under that add:
PHP Code
  1. $threadavatar[title]
  2. <br>

Next find:
PHP Code
  1. <tr>
  2. <td id='fields' align='center' rowspan='2'>$posts[poster]
  3. <br>

Under that add:
PHP Code
  1. $postsavatar[title]
  2. <br>

Then you're done, you can add your own stuff to the edit profile if you feal it needed, but I didn't so not posting it..
zackcez's Avatar
Posted on Thursday 26th June 2008 at 08:27 PM
dtnet's Avatar
What do I do to show the User TItle if the user is Admin or Moderator?