Adobe Dreamweaver 0
Adobe Muse 0 0
.htaccess 6
Perl 0
PHP 47
PHP - User System 2
Java 0
Javascript 14
Ruby on Rails 0
General Web Development 4
Operating Systems
Video & Audio Editing
Adobe After Effect 0
Adobe Premiere 0
Adobe Audition 0
Final Cut 0
FruityLoops 0
iMovie 0
Windows Movie Maker 0
App Development
Access denied for user 'sthelensclubberz'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Where can i found tutorial for sql injections, because i really want to use this script... :)
I'm web design coder and i know only some things about security, so can you please tell how safe is this script for example hacker attacks?
i looked around and the problem was i had html tags with the php and yea it was a mess :P
Also, for FireFox check the preferences to make sure it is not blocking meta redirects or meta redirects. Generally, if you have the web developer toolbar it blocks it but i'm not to sure. I use firefox at home and when I decide to use a meta refresh it always seems to work.